Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Yarn Along.............Slow Progress.

Hello there, it's been a week since I last posted, which is very unlike me but I've been super busy , working on Christmas projects. I haven't got much knitting done again , I hope this isn't getting too boring for you, but these are my two projects bags that holds my projects that I've done a small amount on.

I'm on the home run with the Livingston Baby Sweater, I've never knit a jumper this way before and I'm having to take it slowly, reading the pattern over and over. Hopefully this will be finished for Adam before Christmas.

This Pennycress sock has had two rows completed since last week so probably doesn't look any different.

It's my favourite time of the year and I love to read books that are set around Christmas so I've gone through my books to see if I had any that I hadn't read last year and I found these two. I will probably read Knit the Season first, I'm linking this post to Ginny's Yarn Along, where you can share your love of knitting and reading, it's a gorgeous blog so I hope you'll check it out.

I'm also linking to Tami's WIP Wednesday, another great blog where you can see what everybody else is working on this week.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great week.


Cloudberry said...

It'll be a beautiful little sweater. I'm sure you'll finish it before chrisymas.
I'll have to check my shelves and see if I have some books with a christmas setting. Seems like the thing to read now :)

Anonymous said...

oh those bags are sweet and nice.

Oh I like to read also. That top book looks good. Just the title is a attention drawer. What kind of a book is it.

Looks like you are a busy bee who isnt this time.

Nice sweater .

Amy at love made my home said...

Hey Deb, lovely to see how your knitting is progressing, it looks as though the jumper is coming on well, and I'm sure that the socks will be quickly done once you are finished with the tricky pattern for the jumper! xx

Donna said...

I could never get bored looking at that sweater! Happy knitting!

Shirley Ann said...

I love the stitch patter on your little sweater - and what a lovely colour!

Alisa said...

even a little bit of progress is better then none! and I love your little project cute!!

Lori ann said...

oh such sweet little bags and knits!

Corrabelle said...

that sweater is lovely...and i love the color. SO sweet.

Unknown said...

Definitely never boring, Deb! Your knitting is always so lovely, even if it's just a few rows! And we're all blogging about secret projects, little progress, you will find plenty of kindred sisters! ;-) Chrissie x

Stefanie said...

Sweet lil' jumper. I have yet to try bottom up. I should try a keiki garment first in that technique.

Bonny said...

All of your lovely projects, including the beautiful project bags, are definitely not boring! Slow progress is so much better than no progress!

Unknown said...

aw even if progress is slow it's still progress :) I like your project bags, especially the top one with Red Riding Hood

Jarka said...

I absolutely love the sweater and what a pretty sock pattern - I'm still in the phase when I can only knit very basic socks but one day I'll get to fancy patterns like this :) good luck with finishing your projects :)

Lynnda said...

oooo I heart the baby sweater! So sweet!... hugs..x

ColourMeCrochet said...

I love your project bags, such a brilliant idea. I tend to stuff mine in medium or large sandwich bags, which the crochet hook then pokes holes, so not very good.
Jumper looks good too. I do think you get more done some weeks than others.
Sally xxx

Joy said...

Ah your posts could never be boring Deb, they're all inspirational. That little baby sweater is beautiful and looks like you're almost at the winning post with it, and the sock pattern is gorgeous too. Good idea to have your little projects in those lovely bags - fresh and bright.
I recently bought from the 'pre-loved books' shop a copy of Kate Jacobs 'Knit Two' - the follow up to 'The Friday Night Knitting Club' - but other things have got in the way and I haven't managed to really get into it yet; have you read it?
Happy days to you, hugs, Joy xo

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

The sweater is looking great and loveeeeeeeeee the bags!!!!

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