Friday 6 December 2013

FO Friday.......I'm on a roll!!!!!

Good morning, I hope everyone has had a good week, I've been on a bit of a roll as far as Finished Objects are concerned. My goal for December is to finish my WIP's, I haven't got as many as I first thought as I've gone through them I decided to put a couple into hibernation while I decide whether I want to carry on with them or frog them. I frogged the Livingston sweater as mentioned in my last post. I have two crochet blankets which won't be finished in December and then I have this little Debbie Bliss Matinee Jacket which I plan to finish, I've only got one sleeve left. I will also try and finish the Henslowe Shawl as well as some Christmas socks. I'm not sure whether this is a bit of a tall order but I will give it my best.

I have finished my Pennycress socks, which for some reason have taken me months to finish, the pattern was a bit more complicated and I also changed it to toe up rather than doing top down. I love Rachel Coopey patterns and once I've got all my WIP's out of the way, I will try knitting another one of hers but next time giving top down a try.

I'm linking these to Tami's FO Friday, check out what everyone else has been finishing up this week.

I've also finished my first adult sized garment, it's the Anzen crochet cardigan from Pom Pom Quarterly Issue 7. I love the pattern but when I was working on it I wasn't loving the yarn which is Jenny Watson Pure Merino. It's not one of the most expensive merino yarns but it's not budget either, the balls of yarn felt quite nice but I found the cardigan very stiff not soft and squishy like other yarns I've used. After soaking and blocking though, it is a lot softer, perhaps not as soft as I would like but much better than before.

I love the actual look of the cardigan though, I'm sure I'll be wearing it a lot through the winter and spring, it will go with most things.

This is what I've been working on this week for Marrianne and Chrissie'sBloomin Crochet Along, pop over, there is always gorgeous projects on the hook.

Have a great weekend, everyone, will you doing anything festive over the weekend?

Thanks for stopping by.


gilly said...

Oh wow, Deb - it seems like only last week you were showing us the pattern for your cardi and now it's all finished! Well done you, it looks sooo fab :-)
Have a happy weekend,

Una said...

The black and white neckline really makes this cardigan unique. You will receive lots of compliments.

Unknown said...

The cardigan is super! It looks just the perfect piece to wear in between every season. I love it! And the socks...oh, you have very happy feet! :) Chrissie x

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I loveeeeeeeeee that cardigan!!!!!!!

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness that cardigan is spectacular. I love it.

ColourMeCrochet said...

Oh goodness Deb, you are on a roll. You put me to shame, I don't seem to be doing anything fast :(
But your socks are soooo pretty and your cardigan is very enviable, I need to have a go at crocheting a garment.
Have a good weekend
Sally xxx

Unknown said...

They look amazing. I really love the socks. The color and pattern are perfect.

Nancy McCarroll said...

Your Pennycress socks are very pretty, and intricate. They look hard to knit!

The shawl is pretty, too. Must have taken a while to accomplish that.

Stefanie said...

Ooh that pair of socks are splendid! Beautiful job. And the hooked cardi. It's wonderful. I don't see too many hand crocheted garments around on the blogs. Great job.

Unknown said...

Deb I am so impressed with the amount of work you have done - all of it just gorgeous, well done you! Have a wonderful weekend
Lot of love

Clare said...

Wow those socks are gorgeous they look so snuggliy and the cardigan is beautiful
Clare x

Jo said...

Well it looks exactly like the picture you showed us. Well done you it is a really fabulous first garment. Jo x

Amy at love made my home said...

Both socks and cardigan are beautiful! Good luck working out what you are going to do with your other WIP's. xx

Hazels Crochet said...

You definitely are on roll! I love your socks and your cardigan is very pretty!

elns said...

Beautiful FOs. So fast! The grey is just so cozy looking. Rather deterring me from getting any exercise before going home... where I could bake and yarn ...

Beca said...

Oh wow I love the cardigan you made. It looks so pretty in your photos. I bookmarked the link. I might want to try it someday.

Ros Crawford said...

What lovely work ... you are so clever!

Hannapat said...

Just catching up with Blog reading and love your Anzen cardigan and those Pennycress socks they are both fab!! You are whizzing through your list, goodluck with the rest

Unknown said...

You most certainly ARE on a roll Deb! Amazing how quick you are, incredible cardigan, you will look so pretty in it! Ira x
Ira’s Crea Corner

Unknown said...

Such wonderful projects indeed my friend.. Love your socks. They look awesome.. Hope you are having a happy weekend my friend.


Lynnda said...

Oh WOW Deb both are absolutely gorgeous! Love them! hugs...x

Loopsan said...

Wow! I adore your jacket! After seeing this I'm now really thinking of making the step and actually try to make something that fits me ;) Oh and I wish I could knit. Your socks are really lovely! Sanx

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