Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Yarn Along......Unwind KAL's.

How is everyone today? Well I'm definitely going to Unwind, the hotel and tickets are all booked, we decided to go for a long weekend. I haven't been to Brighton since my girls were very young and I'm looking forward to exploring Brighton as well as spending the Saturday at a yarn and fibre festival. I did ask my husband if he wanted a ticket, to look around with me but declined which is probably a good thing as he won't know how much I've spent!!!!!

Over on Ravelry, there are a few different Unwind KAL's going on at the moment on the Unwind group, I decided to take part in two of them. The first is the Pavlion Mystery Sock KAL by Rachel Coopey, I finished Clue 1 just in time to start Clue 2, which was released on Sunday.

I'm not going to show the full sock as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who's knitting them and hasn't finished the leg, all I will say is the pattern is gorgeous, with lots of cables, think of Brighton Pavilion, the clue is in the name! I've finished Clue 2 on the first sock, which takes you to turning the heel and I hope to finish the second sock, before Sunday when the last clue is released.

This is my first mystery KAL and wasn't sure whether I would like the not knowing but I've really enjoyed the process, I like keeping to schedules and love that I will get a pair of socks finished in three weeks. I will definitely do another one.

The other KAL I'm taking part in is the On the Pier, a beautiful feminine shawl by Justyna Lorkowska, I chose to do this one as it's a very simple lace shawl and knew it wouldn't take long to finish as the main part was all Garter Stitch and then a simple lace border, perfect for the evening when I'm watching TV.

I'm using yarn from my stash and the main colour is Drops Alpaca in the Light Grey Pearl Mix and the contrast colour is some leftover Juno Alice in the colour Second Site. I've only got a few more rows before I start the lace section.

Jodie came down, this weekend and I asked her to look through some of my knitting books to see which baby patterns she wants me to knit. One of my favourite books is called Lullaby Knits by Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard, it's full of beautiful but more unusual patterns. One of my favourites is the Small Cable Cardigan which buttons down the side and that is one she chose, yay!!!! I wasn't sure whether she would pick it as it's modeled by a baby girl but I think it's quite unisex.

The pattern uses two balls of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino and again I had some in my stash so I could cast on straight away. It's partly knit in pieces then you knit all the pieces together on long cable needles with a raglan sleeve.

I'm still reading The Perfume Garden and as I get further into the book, I'm enjoying it more and more. The chapters alternate from 1936 set in Spain during the Spanish Civil War to Valencia 2002. The two eras are now coming together and the characters are intertwined, very enjoyable. I did go to the library, yesterday, and picked up this book, Paris by Edmond Rutherford. I love the city of Paris and I'm always drawn to anything Parisian, from the blurb on the back of the book it is an historical novel, I'd be interested in what you thought of it, if you've read it.

I'm taking part in Ginny's Yarn Along and Tami's WIP Wednesday, thanks for stopping by, enjoy the rest of your week and I'll see you on Friday with a finished project.




Jo said...

What a great boys knit. They can be hard to find that one is a corker. Jo x

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Can't wait to see all these done :)

Joy said...

Ah there you are Deb, making beautiful things as usual! I hope you have a great weekend and do especially enjoy the yarn show, I'm sure you won't need any encouragement to buy up big - enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

You have such a good eye for pretty projects! I love the stitch pattern of the bottom project.
Hope you will have a lovely time in Brighton!

Heather said...

That is an adorable little sweater! I think I will have to look for that book. Historical novels are some of my favorites :-)

Lisa said...

I'm imagining how soft that baby cardi is going to be! An adorable knit. :)

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

Very nice and I love the baby sweater. Looking forward to seeing the FOs.

Donna said...

I'm so glad you're going to get to the fiber festival. That will be such a great time! That Debbie Bliss yarn looks so soft. Just perfect for that sweater.

Unknown said...

I wish I was going to Unwind, it has been many years since I have been to Brighton but it is such a lovely place ... the whole moving overseas really made it difficult, lol.

You have some amazing knits on the go here, I am especially loving the baby sweater ... and that has nothing to do with the newborn cooing at me, lol.

Shirley Ann said...

That little sweater looks so cute. Enjoy the fiber festival!

Amy at love made my home said...

Lots of things on the go as always with you! I hope that you enjoy your trip to Brighton! xx

mamasmercantile said...

The baby sweater is delightful, a real eye catcher. Enjoy your trip.

Unknown said...

Love all that cabling, it's gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Beautiful knitting you've got going there Deb! Enjoy your festival, have fun! Ira x
Ira’s Crea Corner

Ros Crawford said...

Years since I went to Brighton too ... I Hope you have fun!

gilly said...

As always, I am amazed by how many fabulous projects you have on the go!
A weekend in Brighton sounds just perfect! Enjoy and take lots of pics... ooh, and buy lots of yummy yarns too ;-)
Hugs xx

elns said...

Your knits are always so lovely. Have a wonderful weekend. I love reading your weekend recaps and adventures!

Sarah said...

Always such lovely knitting!! I hope you have fun at Unwind! : )

Maria said...

I so wish I could go to Unwind! But I discovered it too late to fit it into my plans. I'm going to keep all 10 fingers crossed that it'll turn into an annual event, because if so, I'm DEFINITELY going next year!

Stefanie said...

You can never go wrong with blue and grey. I can't wait to see more form take shape. That does look like a unisex knit. You're using a neutral. It would be adorable if you had cute, boyish buttons all marching down the side. Do be very vocal about Paris. I couldn't finish his Sarum, the one of England.

The Handmade Sock Society 3 by Helen Stewart

Hello there, I just wanted to let you all know that Season 3 of  The Handmade Sock Society  is available for pre-sale  here  with an Ea...